IPA: nˈɔɪzɫʌsnʌs
- The quality or state of being noiseless; quiet or hush; silence.
Examples of "noiselessness" in Sentences
- With such versatility, performance and noiselessness are all at the users´ control.
- It was that softness, that voluptuousness of her bodily movements, that catlike noiselessness.
- A mouse ran across the floor, something cracked — a flash of sound flaring up in the noiselessness.
- The noise of life had suddenly been hushed, and each heart had heard for a moment the noiselessness of death.
- A figure emerged from the open door and moved along the alley, not furtively, but with a natural noiselessness like that of a jungle beast.
- A live musical performance to accompany a restored print of a film of Captain Scott's tragic polar quest highlights the shattering impact of noiselessness
- “If you want a flag that badly, just take your car,” she finally said, interrupting the virtual noiselessness created by her dusting and his thinking.
- Cars and scooters and ambulances and police cars could periodically be heard off in the distance taking people from point A to point B, but the noiselessness hung in the air.
- Round the room, over the furniture, under the furniture, through the furniture, out of one window, along the balcony, in at another window, again round the room — so they glided with the swiftness of swallows and the noiselessness of ghosts.
- We ordered the others immediately over into the empty, friendly desert on the east, and sat ourselves on the metals under the singing wires, while the long line of shadowy bulks wavered up out of the dark, shuffled a little on the bank and its ballast, and passed down behind us into the dark in that strained noiselessness which was a night march of camels.