
IPA: nˈoʊmoʊθˈɛtɪk


  • (rare) Relating to the underlying laws of a subject

Examples of "nomothetic" in Sentences

  • Qualitative research may be idiographic or nomothetic.
  • Most of the studies presented in this book are nomothetic.
  • The nomothetic approach tries to draw inferences from a more limited exposure to a large number of cases.
  • First, there is a critique of the "nomothetic" quest -- the idea that the social sciences should discover social laws.
  • I believe the distinction by Wilhelm Dilthey between "nomothetic" (= positing laws) and "idiographic" (= describing individuals) sciences, is still much more fruitful than other approaches that tend to blur the dividing line.
  • On the one hand, Wilson has thus strengthened the Soviet element within "post-Soviet transitions" lending support to those researchers emphasizing the continued relevance of the ideographic element in †"as opposed to nomothetic approaches to â€" the study of contemporary Russia, Ukraine, etc.
  • Unlike the “nomothetic” knowledge that natural science seeks, what matters in historical science is not a universal law-like causality, but an understanding of the particular way in which an individual ascribes values to certain events and institutions or takes a position towards the general cultural values of his/her time under a unique, never-to-be-repeated constellation of historical circumstances.

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