IPA: nˈɑnkʌmˈɪtʌɫ
- Failure to commit to a decision or course of action.
- A voter etc. who has not yet committed to a decision.
- Tending to avoid commitment; lacking certainty or decisiveness; reluctant to give out information or show one's feelings or opinion.
Examples of "noncommittal" in Sentences
- When asked about his plans for the weekend, John gave a noncommittal shrug and said he would see what happens
- The politician's responses during the interview were intentionally noncommittal, leaving room for interpretation
- Sarah's noncommittal attitude towards the project made her colleagues unsure of her dedication
- The teacher's noncommittal response to the student's question left them feeling confused and frustrated
- Despite numerous attempts to get a clear answer, the boss remained noncommittal about the company's future direction