IPA: nˈʌn
- (chiefly American) A person without religious affiliation.
- (obsolete) Synonym of midafternoon: the time around or following noon or nones.
- Alternative form of nones: the ninth hour after dawn; (Christianity) the religious service appointed to this hour. [(historical, often capitalized) The notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th day of the four original 31-day months (March, May, Quintilis or July, and October) and on the 5th day of all other months.]
- To no extent, in no way.
- Not at all, not very.
- (obsolete) No, not.
Examples of "none" in Sentences
- None of the students had completed their homework on time
- There were none left of the delicious cookies that were baked yesterday
- She searched high and low, but found none of her missing keys
- Despite their best efforts, none of the team members could solve the difficult puzzle
- The store was out of stock, so there was none of the popular toy available for purchase