
IPA: nˈɔrmʌɫˈis


  • Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of normalize. [(transitive) To make normal, to make standard.]

Examples of "normalise" in Sentences

  • The meeting would be held in order to "normalise" the situation and to resolve students 'issues.
  • If two men or women want to commit to each other well that is their business but please don't try to 'normalise' the relationship with a child.
  • The current state of emergency is unlikely to 'normalise' local government and 'restore law and order' in the townships as long as the rent boycott persists.
  • Carol Boys, chief executive of the Down's Syndrome Association in the UK, says: Anything that helps to 'normalise' Down's syndrome and promote inclusivity has to be a good thing.
  • The Labor party in Vic. has for about 30 years had a policy of enhancing alternate education and the Libs recently have tried to 'normalise' even the values that are taught in the schools.
  • All of these initiatives help to "normalise" the idea of a priestly vocation - or perhaps it might be better to say that they help to rescue the idea of a priestly vocation from the atmosphere of secular ridicule.
  • We know from the cases of surgical intervention on Intersexed infants to "normalise" them that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, so we sometimes get surgically-created transsexuals see the infamous David Reimer case.
  • I'll give you even money that one of the first instances of neuroplasty will be ex-gay therapy by Christian quacks, that it'll be used to treat "normalise" people in the wider culture far more than it will ever be used to "transcend humanity".
  • It is useless and worse than useless when it becomes a way of protecting believers or of denying the acuteness of the world's pain; so, when the Confessing Church began, step by step, to 'normalise' its relations with the Reich, Bonhoeffer spoke out against it as he had spoken out against the state church of the mid-thirties.

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