IPA: noʊtˈɔriʌs
- Senses with an unfavourable connotation.
- Of a person or entity: generally or widely known for something negative; infamous.
- Of an act, situation, etc.: blameworthy in an obvious and offensive way; blatant, flagrant.
- Senses with a favourable or neutral connotation.
- Generally or widely known; of common knowledge; famous or well-known.
- (obsolete)
- Clear, evident, obvious.
- Generally or widely knowable.
- (obsolete) Synonym of notoriously
Examples of "notorious" in Sentences
- The notorious criminal was finally captured after years on the run
- The nightclub was known for its notorious reputation for rowdy behavior
- The band gained a notorious following for their wild and unpredictable live performances
- The house on the corner had a notorious history of being haunted
- The scandalous affair between the mayor and his secretary became notorious gossip around town
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