IPA: naʊˈɪz
- (archaic or dialect) (In) no way, (in) no manner, definitely not.
Examples of "nowise" in Sentences
- The Russians were in nowise different from other men.
- Modern heroes they, and in nowise different from the heroes of old time.
- Had I been father or brother, the situation would have been in nowise different.
- On this night things were, with one exception, in nowise different from any other night.
- In this the ancient was in nowise unlike the rest of his dark - skinned Melanesian race.
- It was the same story he had told her, though told now a little more fully, and in nowise did it conflict with the evidence of La Flitche and John.
- But he allowed this to be done because the dogs themselves in nowise interested him, and because their deaths emphasized the sacredness of the taboo.
- But one stormy night, by an accident for which he was in nowise accountable, in overhauling a spare anchor-chain he had all the fingers of his left hand badly crushed.
- Dick palmed a three-cornered sail needle through a set of broken pack straps, his good nature in nowise disturbed by the feminine cataclysm which was threatening to burst in the storm-beaten tent.
- So, on this morning that Semper Idem was to leave the hospital, hale and hearty, Doctor Bicknell's geniality was in nowise disturbed by the steward's report, and he proceeded cheerfully to bring order out of the chaos of a child's body which had been ground and crunched beneath the wheels of an electric car.
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