IPA: nˈʌptʃʌɫz
- A wedding ceremony.
Examples of "nuptials" in Sentences
- But what may be more notable than the nuptials is the lack of debate surrounding them.
- The Post account called the nuptials, at Mrs. Earl's home in Manhattan, "almost medieval."
- For the present time is the time of espousal, but the time of the nuptials is another; when they sing, ` the Bridegroom hath risen up. '
- I have slain men, many men, for love of woman, or in warm blood have baptized our nuptials or washed away the stain of her favor to another.
- I have slain men, many men, for love of woman, or in warm blood have baptized our nuptials or washed away the stain of her favour to another.
- From the ardent desire which you have long expressed concerning Stona's marriage, it will, I am convinced, give you pleasure to hear that the nuptials are at last solemnized.
- The term nuptials itself is apparently derived from the Old French term nuptialis, part of a centuries-old French musical composition, Nuptialis hodie, which appropriately celebrates the Virgin Mary’s wedding day.
- Attending the nuptials was the entire Kardashian clan and numerous celebrity friends, including Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, Ryan Seacrest, Julianne Hough, Sugar Ray Leonard, Lala and a few of Humphries' teammates.