IPA: ˈɔrɫɑk
- (nautical) A usually U-shaped device attached to the gunwale of a rowboat to hold the oars in place while rowing.
Examples of "oarlock" in Sentences
- One started to slip through the oarlock into the water.
- The brush of the next passing serpent snatched the oar from Jek's grip and tore the oarlock loose.
- All sailed Venetian craft had oarlock; ALL boat craft had oar locks, so this doesn't mean its not a sailed boat.
- An open firebox lit the fishing boat's simple lines: the low gunwales, single oarlock, seining pole at the stern.
- Just a glimpse of water through the oarlock was enough to warn him where to dip the oar to avoid waves and eddies.
- I put my oars in the oarlocks and closed the oarlock gates to hold them in place, taking my time and tightening the nut securely.
- Reise ran alongside and managed to roll over the gunwale without snagging himself on the oarlock; he even kept hold of the oars, for a wonder.
- I scrambled to get the oar back in its oarlock and both of them in the water before we hit the bridge, banging my knuckles together again in the process, and bringing us up against the bank.