
IPA: ˈoʊst


  • (Britain) A kiln for drying tobacco, malt and especially hops.

Examples of "oast" in Sentences

  • In Kent, it is oast houses topped with white cowls and weather vanes.
  • This is, I realize, the chestnut-harvesting equivalent of a Kentish oast house: a miniature chestnut-drying house, a secadou.
  • Hop to It bines, oast Hops grow on 20-foot-long plants called bines that climb a trellis of twine and wire strung from tall poles.
  • Bine is derived from "bind" the flexible stem of a plant rather than "vine"; oast may be related to an Indo-European word for "fire."
  • The BBC has morphed in the oast few days into the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, wilfully spinning events to suit their Gazan soul-mates.
  • The archive includes some of his earliest writings, including a wonky drawing of an oast house made when he was 10, carefully labelled "from Siegfried for Mamsy".
  • The plants produce cone-like flowers that are picked at the end of summer and dried in an oast—a kiln-heated barn that traditionally had pointed turrets with air vents on top.
  • I find the choice of a trio of Kent oast houses in the background interesting; this was a time when these vernacular buildings in the landscape would have typified the country life being sort after by the post war newly well-off.
  • Not your typical Rowland Hilder either ... quite often purchased as a 'Boots' print and featuring tip-carts, mangold wurzles, oast houses and wintery trees they're even disappearing from the car boot sales as the 'ironic decor' set pick up prints of The Green Girl along with the quintessentially English RH.

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