IPA: ˈɑbdɝʌtɫi
- In an obdurate manner; stubbornly, intractably or inflexibly.
Examples of "obdurately" in Sentences
- a dictator who "obdurately" refused to change his ways.
- Spain are struggling to create chances and Portugal are defending obdurately.
- I first read this story while obdurately at the beach with a friend on a cold, wet day.
- When Tony Hayward, British Petroleum president, recently met with Congress, he obdurately refused to accept blame for the mess in the gulf of Mexico.
- I was half-way through Vanish With the Rose before I realized that the person I had picked to be the murderer was obdurately refusing to kill anybody.
- When a nation-state obdurately chooses not to control its own banking system, it has committed itself to a course that can lead only to national suicide.
- A rudderless bipartisan Congress is no less culpable for the decline, and will be no less responsible for the aftermath than an administration obdurately steaming for the shoals.
- Rooted in mystery but set in a cruel, obdurately materialistic world, "Au hasard Balthazar" parallels Balthazar's trials with the downward trajectory of the girl who loves him, Marie Anne Wiazemsky.
- However, if the Commission considers the case unusually important, or if the government obdurately ignores the recommendations, the Commission can bring the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
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