IPA: ʌbdʒˈɛkʃʌn
- The act of objecting.
- A statement expressing opposition, or a reason or cause for expressing opposition (generally followed by the adposition to).
- (law) An official protest raised in a court of law during a legal trial over a violation of the rules of the court by the opposing party.
Examples of "objection" in Sentences
- The main objection is the standard objections to death taxes.
- I think the main objection is that there isn't any independent evidence for a designer.
- Turns out that the "pro" s main objection is as to the strength of the anthropogenic component, and moreso, on the appropriate political verdict (is there a "crisis") and any resultant political response.
- My main objection is not for private suits against foreign governments (though I do feel that is a problem), but suing private US corporations for alleged complicity in human rights abuses, a form of corporate blackmail.