
IPA: ʌbdʒˈɛktɝ


  • A person who objects to something.

Examples of "objector" in Sentences

  • The objector is still further represented as saying, –
  • And whether it matters if the objector is an officer or not?
  • The tone taken by the objector is instructive and always the same.
  • "He was a conscientious objector on that end of the court," Fraschilla said.
  • They were still more astonished to know that the objector was the youngest Miss Piper!
  • It is not the Bible, but our objector, that is a little behind the age in his knowledge of science.
  • In fact, the origin of the term 'conscientious objector' comes from refusing vaccine - not from war.
  • There was a conscientious objector from the Basque region of France who introduced himself as Basque-French.
  • 'Besides,' said he, 'it is a small matter anyhow;' -- by which he evidently meant to intimate that the objector was a very small person.
  • The committee review and markup period offers an opportunity for objections to be given to the members of the objector’s party and for thorough discussion of the principled objections — the objector could be allowed to present testimony to the committee.

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