IPA: ɑbɫʌgˈeɪtoʊ
- Alternative spelling of obbligato [(music) An obbligato section; a prominent countermelody, often written to be played or sung above the principal theme (in a higher pitch range).]
Examples of "obligato" in Sentences
- These songs need, indeed, no piano accompaniment or violin obligato.
- Taizé music is beautiful but simple, and working obligato parts into the music as the congregation sings adds a wonderful dimension to the worship.
- MR: Who was the obligato vocalist during the verse who, by the way, came up with an annoyingly beautiful part that you expect to resolve on a note on which it never does?
- Above the four-part harmony, Vera's voice floated light and clean following the high obligato line, a stunning feature that John must have written to display her exceptional voice.
- His mission is to flay alive the humbugs and hypocrites and the pedants and to chant robust folk-songs to the naked stars of the English world to a rousing obligato of clinking flagons.
- Cue the primal drums, distant tribal calls, a dramatic orchestral entrance followed by a female obligato, then introduce those swelling multi-keyed minor chord progressions with military snares.
- It's not a coincidence that most of my Deserted Island operas are ones where the voice is just another instrument in the orchestral texture or as Salome was described: a tone poem with voice obligato.
- Ms. Wilson's current ensemble is further graced by the often astounding playing as on "St. James Infirmary Blues" of Swiss harmonica virtuoso Gregoire Maret , whose tone suggests the love child of an accordion and a conch shell, and whose playing here fills the role of both a horn obligato and a backup vocalist.
- This assumption that of all the hues of God whiteness alone is inherently and obviously better than brownness or tan leads to curious acts; even the sweeter souls of the dominant world as they discourse with me on weather, weal, and woe are continually playing above their actual words an obligato of tune and tone, saying: