IPA: ʌbɫˈik
- (geometry) An oblique line.
- (typography) Synonym of slash ⟨/⟩.
- (grammar) The oblique case.
- (intransitive) To deviate from a perpendicular line; to become askew;
- (military) To march in a direction oblique to the line of the column or platoon; — formerly accomplished by oblique steps, now by direct steps, the men half-facing either to the right or left.
- (transitive, computing) To slant (text, etc.) at an angle.
- Not erect or perpendicular; not parallel to, or at right angles from, the base.
- Not straightforward; obscure or confusing.
- Disingenuous; underhand; morally corrupt.
- Not direct in descent; not following the line of father and son; collateral.
- (botany, of leaves) Having the base of the blade asymmetrical, with one side lower than the other.
- (botany, of branches or roots) Growing at an angle that is neither vertical nor horizontal.
- (grammar) Pertaining to the oblique case (non-nominative).
- (grammar, of speech or narration) Indirect; employing the actual words of the speaker but as related by a third person, having the first person in pronoun and verb converted into the third person and adverbs of present time into the past, etc.
- (music) Employing oblique motion, motion or progression in which one part (voice) stays on the same note while another ascends or descends.
Examples of "oblique" in Sentences
- This led to what Mr. Burnett described — in oblique terms — as a true life-threatening event.
- This fenfe of the word oblique refpeets the pofition of a leaf; and is exemplified in Prctea and Fritillaria.
- The MRI doesn't show anything significant, but I learned a long time ago, when the word 'oblique' is mentioned, I get nervous.
- Mr. Droga declined to reveal locations beforehand (including the veracity of the Times Square example), but did describe the campaign in oblique terms.
- Miss Margland, extremely piqued, vented her spleen in oblique sarcasms, and sought to heal her offended pride by appeals for justice to her sagacity and foresight in the whole business.
- Despicable villains insinuate themselves into the MacDonalds 'homes, and a coven of strange old hags straight from Shakespeare's Scottish play enter stage left to spin oblique prophesies.
- Anytime you see a sign like that, you see this fracture, what we call an oblique fracture so it kind of spirals up, we know that he had some unbelievable force at his ankle that transmitted up through his fibula and fractured it.
- The cul-de-sac enclosed between the limbs of the U lies behind the left atrium and is known as the oblique sinus, while the passage between the venous and arterial mesocardiai. e., between the aorta and pulmonary artery in front and the atria behindis termed the transverse sinus.