IPA: ʌbɫɪtɝˈeɪʃʌn
- The total destruction of something.
- The concealing or covering of something.
- The cancellation, erasure or deletion of something.
- (medicine) The cancellation of the function, structure, or both of a vessel or organ; for example, the occlusion of the lumen of a duct, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel, be it solely functional (as when squeezed by nearby mass effect or inflammation) or both structural and functional (as when clogged with thrombus, embolus, or fibrosis).
Examples of "obliteration" in Sentences
- What followed can be best described as obliteration.
- Use more explosives than shown in the examples on large animals like moose, especially if total obliteration is desired.
- Share prices were up and commentators generally agreed that this is the best way to avert a short-term obliteration of finance as we know it.
- In situations where total animal obliteration is necessary, it is advisable to double the amount of explosives used in the first two examples.
- The movie ends as the remainder of Douglas's unit -- about to return to the front and certain obliteration -- sits in a tavern and grows teary-eyed listening to a German song of nostalgia, the final message being that nations 'leaders, not peoples, are the ones who want war.