
IPA: ˈoʊbʌveɪt


  • (botany, mycology) Shaped like an egg, with the broad extremity located away from the base.

Examples of "obovate" in Sentences

  • Leaves usually obovate, short-stalked, conspicuously veined below.
  • Leaves opposite, shiny, elliptic to obovate, broadly ovate with a sharp tip.
  • The obovate leaflets are generally 6-12 cm long and 2-15 cm wide. but size varies greatly.
  • The obovate leaflets are generally 6-12 cm long and 2-15 cm wide, but size varies greatly.
  • LEAVES: Variable, smooth or slightly rough, narrow and long, ovate to obovate or broadly so.
  • Leaves are fleshy, flat, oblong - obovate, 1 - 25 cm in length The yellow flowers open only for a few hours in the morning.
  • LEAVES: 3-foliolate, the middle leaflet being largest, obovate and with toothed margin, lateral ones much smaller and usually elliptic.
  • LEAVES: With bases sheathing round the stem, usually obovate to elliptic with deep lobes and usually with bristles at base of leaf stalk.
  • Leaflets often without a stalk but the larger leaflets sometimes with a winged stalk, obovate to elliptic, roughly hairy above, softly hairy beneath.
  • Dodonaea microzyga, F.M. Somewhat viscid, almost glabrous; leaves with 1 to 2 pairs of small obovate-cuneate leaflets; in front rounded, or truncate, or retuse, or sometimes 3-toothed, flat at the margin; rachis dilated; fruit-bearing pedicels solitary; capsules 3 to 4-celled; valves cymbeo-semiorbicular, all around broadly winged; the wing rounded-blunt on both extremities; dissepiments persistent with the columella.

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