IPA: ɑbsˈinʌɫi
- In an obscene manner; vulgarly.
- (colloquial) In an excessive manner.
Examples of "obscenely" in Sentences
- David Letterman described as "obscenely brutal, and those are mild words."
- AND you’d be forced to two-year commitment in obscenely over*priced AT&T plans.
- It's not every day I get to be called obscenely young; isn't 27 old for the tech world?
- These days, even Legal Sea Foods owner Roger Berkowitz says he is "nauseated" by what he calls the "obscenely thick" chowders that dominate the marketplace and chowder competitions.
- Power Line Explains Tea-bagging; It's an Inside the Gay Subculture Thing determines how it is that the Tea Party protesters have ( "obscenely") come to be referred to as "tea-baggers."
- MONTGOMERY - In a state where Supreme Court races have been called obscenely expensive, the only Supreme Court race on the Nov. 4 ballot is neither the least nor the most expensive in the last seven races.
- Supreme Court candidates spend $923,021 on race MONTGOMERY - In a state where Supreme Court races have been called obscenely expensive, the only Supreme Court race on the Nov. 4 ballot is neither the least nor the most expensive in the last seven races.
- I know it's uncool to admit that a writer doesn't know everything the second they emerge from the womb with a contract in each hand, naturlich and that even after their first novel, even after their second, they still have a lot to learn, especially if, like me, they're kind of obscenely young when they start on all this craziness.
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