
IPA: ʌbskjˈʊrɫi


  • In an obscure manner.

Examples of "obscurely" in Sentences

  • As an active movement it began obscurely over a generation ago.
  • So is it with love or the will, from which the fetus lives indeed, though obscurely, that is, without sensation or action.
  • Some have lingered longer than most marriages, yet others still hover around obscurely or are merely a reflection of personal wishes.
  • Frequently the first half of the hexameter expresses a thought obscurely which is expressed clearly in the latter half, or _vice versa, e.g. _ (G. iv.
  • The doctrines of wild sects, more or less Manichæan, which came forth strangely to upper life during the fever of the Crusades, all seem to tend obscurely from a Slavonic source.
  • I understand what people think they mean when they say it, and to a large extent I share the same opposition and revulsion to the reality to which this term obscurely refers, but I am obliged to recognise that it is a meaningless term.
  • Sentiment is nothing, till you have arrived at a mystery and a veil, something that is seen obscurely, that is just hinted at in the distance, that has neither certain outline nor colour, but that is left for the mind to fill up according to its pleasure and in the best manner it is able.

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