
IPA: ʌbsˈikwiʌsɫi


  • in an obsequious manner

Examples of "obsequiously" in Sentences

  • Tina raised her hand, ducking her head obsequiously.
  • On the bridge, a Ferengi hurried over to Bok, crouching obsequiously.
  • The upwardly moral children of the bourgeoisie are obsequiously, uncompromisingly virtuous.
  • Pikoli's lawyers did not agree that he should have "obsequiously" obeyed Mbeki over the time frame of Selebi's arrest.
  • Erect as a Buckingham Palace guard, he gets his laughs with his eyes, endlessly bulging at the Prime Minister's lapses, and with his obsequiously dominating tone of voice.
  • And by the way, just as these politicians flattered, overlooked, and cosseted Murdoch in desperate pursuit and defense of their own self-interest -- the way schoolyard victims are obsequiously and tail-waggingly respectful to schoolyard bullies -- so too did both the Labor and Conservative parties coddle the indigenous Murdochs of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria.

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