
IPA: ʌbzˈɝvʌnt


  • A member of a Franciscan order that strictly observes the rules of St. Francis.


  • Alert and paying close attention; watchful.
  • Diligently attentive in observing a law, custom, duty or principle; regardful; mindful.

Examples of "observant" in Sentences

  • The settlers were young couples raised in observant Jewish homes.
  • I realize I am courting scorn by using the term observant but it works for me.
  • Thankfully my grandfather is the kind of observant person who notices that sort of thing, had he not, it could have been very bad.
  • It was well Mr. Carteret was not what his guest called observant, or he might have found a lower pitch in the sound of this sentence than in the sense.
  • Says Meyer, based on what he's seen from some people already cast for the show: These are not the kind of observant, distant, journalistic types you see on other shows.
  • - thou shalt not lie with a man as thou would lie with a woman is generally interpreted as "it's ok to be a homosexual, but not to act on your feelings" in observant/orthodox circles
  • The problem with lyrical realism is that it wants to be "observant" of reality (think of that most sought-after of compliments from a reviewer that the Author is Very Observant) but really what even the best of it achieves is not usually recognizable as "real."
  • As I say, I have no qualifications to determine whether someone can really be called a Catholic novelist, but speaking as an Orthodox Jew—for whom the word observant means “practicing,” by the way—whether a writer is observant is irrelevant to determining whether he is a Jewish writer.

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