IPA: ɑbsʌɫˈɛsʌns
- (uncountable) The state of being obsolete—no longer in use; gone into disuse; disused or neglected.
- (countable) The process of becoming obsolete, outmoded or out of date.
Examples of "obsolescence" in Sentences
- Male obsolescence is the path to female happiness.
- The built in obsolescence of computers drives me crazy.
- At least the makes of electrical widgets worldwide are sticking to built in obsolescence thus far.
- That built-in obsolescence is a pain and at least paper books don’t require you to update your reader.
- You should accept that fact that this is a new way of life - adapt or look up the word "obsolescence" in the dictionary.
- Nobody needs to develop a theory about and preach the obsolescence of the image; the obsolescence is objectively visible and speaks for itself.
- Because we live in an age when rapid technological obsolescence is a truism, the more technical questions and answers of the interview are likely to acquire a patina before their time.