IPA: ˈɑbstʌnʌt
- Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness; persistent.
- (of inanimate things) Not easily subdued or removed.
- (of a facial feature) Typical of an obstinate person; fixed and unmoving.
Examples of "obstinate" in Sentences
- His long upper lip went down in obstinate resistance to impulse.
- I'm sure he'll remain obstinate and continue to promote abortion.
- Accordingly she called the obstinate and sulky Pauline before her.
- I heard myself called obstinate and wilful, only because I believed myself in the right, and persisted in it.
- So obstinate is she that God has to "allure her," that is, so to temper judgment with unlooked-for grace as to win her to His ways.
- Beth had been lying back against the seat for an hour or more with her eyes closed, having complained of a headache after quarreling with him again over what she termed his obstinate refusal to be conciliating with Richmond.
- With Republicans being just plain obstinate and irresponsible and now many Democrats following a similar path just to make sure their jobs are intact next election there doesn't appear to be much hope for anything meaningful.
- Note, Though it is God's gracious method to bear long with sinners, yet he will not bear always; at length he will come, and will not spare those who remain obstinate and impenitent, notwithstanding all his methods to reclaim and reform them.
- Pained at what he called the obstinate infatuation of Miss Beaufort, and if possible more chagrined by what he considered the blind and absurd encouragement of his aunt, Mr. Somerset lost the whole of her last reprimand in his hurry to quit the room.
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