IPA: ˈɑbstʌpeɪʃʌn
- severe constipation caused by intestinal obstruction
Examples of "obstipation" in Sentences
- Triphala constipation obstipation intestinal damage
- The untrained cannot distinguish between obstipation and constipation.
- Constipation, obstipation and diarrhea may alternate through the progress of the case.
- The words constipation, obstipation and costiveness are often employed as if of exactly similar meaning, but it is well to let each stand for
- These folds within the canal may become too much narrowed by disease and thus prevent the movement of the matters inside; this is obstipation.
- Have you been informed that eventually the constipation will lead to obstipation with impactions and eventually there will be kidney failure with fluid volume overload?
- We would expect people suffering from constipation or obstipation to pass as fairly well people for a time, but the same is not true of patients having the other condition, costiveness.
- We have found out the almost universal cause for constipation, obstipation and costiveness; therefore until you can have the proper local treatment we suggest the following foodstuffs, trusting to the sufferer's judgment how much and how often to take the nourishment.