
IPA: ʌbstrˈʌktɝ


  • Someone who obstructs, agent noun of obstruct

Examples of "obstructer" in Sentences

  • The obstructer is then the adequate cause of the injury.
  • McConnell is a notable Senate obstructer and stay-the-course agent for Bush.
  • Surely it cannot be Mr. Otis's position that no first-offending, non-violent, non-greedy obstructer of justice ought to do jail time.
  • And after Vikarna's flight, Satruntapa, unable to repress his ire, began to afflict Partha, that obstructer of foes and achiever of super-human feats, by means of a perfect shower of arrows.
  • " I was extraordinarily mistrustful of District Attorney Rice ' s sudden change from obdurate obstructer to newfound champion of justice " during her campaign, said Friedman attorney Ron Kuby .
  • How can you call call upon troops to conduct themselves with honor and integrity when you make lame excuses for the conduct of a convicted perjurer and obstructer of justice like Scooter Libby?
  • Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the obstructer of the earlier climate change legislation, echoed Domenici's crocodile tears about the pain at the pump while ridiculing "those who think we can tax our way out of this problem."
  • In addition, while Senator McCain was certainly correct in the debate when he claimed that Colombia and its President, Alvaro Uribe, constitute the U. S.'s number one ally in the region, HRW's new report paints a picture of Uribe as a major obstructer of the process to cut the fatal ties between the Colombian government and the murderous paramilitaries in that country.

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