IPA: ʌbstrˈʌkʃʌnɪzʌm
- A deliberate policy of obstructing something, especially a political process or body.
Examples of "obstructionism" in Sentences
- Fear/hate/obstructionism is not going to work any more.
- This Republican obstructionism is getting weirder by the day!
- The narrative of GOP obstructionism is really starting to take hold.
- More obstructionism from the right-wing nut jobs promoting their social Darwinist agenda.
- We have witnessed phenomenal obstructionism from the right, and impatience from the left.
- I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to run for office in this climate of obstructionism from the repubs.
- There is so much cynicism, anger and obstructionism from the right that I am surprised some policies have got this far.
- And, if their obstructionism is allowed to continue, their party and the future of the country are hanging in the balance.
- Obama could nominate anyone and the Republicans would call deny them as a matter of course - thier obstructionism is NOT for the good of the country, it is only to annoy Obama for personal reasons.
- But if anyone deserves a label of obstructionism, it certainly must be the Democrats in the Wisconsin state legislature who fled the state in order to prevent passage of legislation they don't like.