IPA: ɑbtˈusnʌs
- The quality of being obtuse.
- Something that is obtuse.
Examples of "obtuseness" in Sentences
- What you feel when faced with their obtuseness is what they feel when faced with challenging information.
- Holmes is entertaining (although his obtuseness is a bit overdone, I'll admit), Dr Watson is very likable and the supporting cast worked well.
- Oversensitivity and deliberate obtuseness is a terrible combination, Seixon … you might consider trying to address at least one of those character flaws.
- Oversensitivity and deliberate obtuseness is a terrible combination, Seixon†¦ you might consider trying to address at least one of those character flaws.
- I do kind of feel that there's a certain obtuseness to the whole "they don't get it, people worked for six years on that" argument that is so often trotted out.
- How far back should I go to illustrate your two year exercise in obtuseness demanding ‘proofs’ and replies to your straw man arguments re: 9/11 on the Xymphora website?
- Compounding my obtuseness is my pigheadedness (that's another guy thing, right?) -- I can't seem to shake this idea that the race is about gender and race because ...... everybody is TELLING me it's about gender and race!
- No, the ‘pot, meet kettle’ comment is intended to point up your blatant hypocrisy … not surprising that you fail to understand it, although whether your obtuseness is a result of malice of just plain stupidity is a subject for further debate.
- Mrs. Blackwell writes her teasingly about what she calls her obtuseness, going straight ahead with her work, never knowing when she was snubbed or defeated, giving the undiluted doctrine to people without ever perceiving their frantic efforts to escape, and ignoring all the humorous features of the campaigns.