
IPA: ˈɑbvieɪt


  • (linguistics) Synonym of obviative


  • (transitive) To anticipate and prevent or bypass (something which would otherwise have been necessary or required).
  • (transitive) To avoid (a future problem or difficult situation).


  • (linguistics) Synonym of obviative

Examples of "obviate" in Sentences

  • Edit: In a (rare) moment of self-doubt I looked up 'obviate' wondering if it's one of those words I've either misheard or used incorrectly.
  • Mr. Obama's jobs bill, which proposes $130 billion of aid for state and local governments, would obviate these reforms and take lawmakers off the hook for goosing workers' pensions in return for their political support.
  • Of course, the intention of this is allow con members to make informed choices for the Hugo awards; it does not obviate the need to support the authors of this material with real purchases that they get royalty monies for.
  • And if you support a no-exceptions statutory ban on torture, what do you think about the use of mechanisms to obviate or get around the law in exceptional cases – prosecutorial discretion, jury nullification, presidential pardon, etc.?
  • Wikinvest co-founder Parker Conrad asserted in his pitch that Wikinvest and others might eventually obviate the financial services providers that rely on consumers not paying attention, or having opacity drive revenue in their products.
  • Any law enforcement agent who conducted a wiretap or private search would thereby always be presumptively guilty of a crime, and would have to cross his fingers and take his chances that prosecutors or jurors would ignore or obviate the law in his particular case.
  • In order to obviate that, because money is fungible and budget-cutting is suddenly in vogue, you would think that government agencies would be aggressively trimming noncritical, nonlife-threatening expenditures and diverting scarce resources to genuinely pressing needs.
  • Perhaps Gardner et al considered £2,480,750 a small price to pay to obviate a formal inquiry into the liquidation of a club he once ran but the CVA certainly leaves many unanswered questions. x-headThe football authorities have invested so much effort into building a case against third-party ownership of players that Sunday's failure to prove wrongdoing at Queen's Park Rangers was a blow for the Football Association.

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synonyms for obviatedescribing words for obviate

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