IPA: ˈɑbviˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of obviating; deterrence or prevention.
Examples of "obviation" in Sentences
- This obviation of vengeance in Judges is prompted by
- October 25th, 2008 at 12: 41 am nolimittexasholdempoker tips and strategy says: nolimittexasholdempoker tips and strategy … composers freights warships obviation miss: …
- Dresses, she said, owe at least some of their formidable staying power to their forgiving shapes, unfussy construction and obviation of caked-on accessories or cumbersome layering.
- Yet, some of the most illuminating studies of the character of engineering reveal that “the ideas of engineering are in fact in our bones and part of our human nature and experience” and that for engineering design the “first and foremost objective” is “the obviation of failure.”
- WHEREAS, the Cincinnati Conference of the M.E. Church, at its last session (at Hillsboro), kindly and benevolently expressed its sympathy for the free colored people of the Western free states, in view of the educational disadvantages under which they labor, and unanimously agreed to render them aid in the obviation of said disadvantages, and also in the elevation of the colored people generally in said free states; and