IPA: ˈɑbviʌsɫi
- In an obvious or clearly apparent manner.
- (colloquial) Used as a filler word, or to introduce information even when not obvious.
Examples of "obviously" in Sentences
- Equally the 'Hell' in the title obviously comes form the German word for larger Helles.
- Sara Palin obviously is being coached by some of the finest minds in the Tea Party movement.
- "The win obviously is important to me," he said, "but the one thing I wanted to do was win while my parents were still here to see it."
- McCain obviously is looking for the Hillary vote since apparently he thinks women need no other criteria than a set of ovaries to mark their ballot, right?
- McCain obviously is pushing the conservative republican status quo of US so called security and his so called war record to once again grease his way through.
- There is an angularity about Dan Zelaya that begs a question of heritage—Native American, maybe, or Middle Eastern—his name obviously Hispanic; white hair that defies classification except as elderly human being, aging along a final common pathway.
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