IPA: ˈɑksʌdɛnt
- The part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west.
- The Western world; the part of the world excluding Asia and Africa
- the West (Western world)
Examples of "occident" in Sentences
- Can Western fantasy ever truly deal with the non-occident?
- An answer to this will be the key to occident and oriental debate.
- Occasus derives from occident-em, "setting," and signifies a westerly "falling, going down."
- That†™ s not to say Western fantasy authors shouldn†™ t tackle the non-occident but they need to be wary of the many pitfalls.
- Turkey should be a part of the EU, a bridge between the occident and the orient, but only after it has evolved into the twenty-first century.
- 'And I told him how I felt the need to approach all that by living the experience internally, all united - people from the orient and the occident - in a vast movement of love, because it is the only cement possible to build 'something else'.