
IPA: ɑksʌdˈɛntʌɫ


  • A Western Christian of the Latin rite
  • An artificial language, created by Edgar de Wahl later renamed Interlingue shortly before the publication of Interlingua
  • A census-designated place in Sonoma County, California, United States.


  • Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western.
  • Of a gem or precious stone: of inferior value or quality.
  • Alternative letter-case form of occidental [Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western.]

Examples of "occidental" in Sentences

  • We cannot impose the "occidental" traditions as the only, correct way.
  • "The outright aim of the occidental coalition is to overthrow the leader," Col.
  • He got into occidental college, then he went to Harvard law and made the law review.
  • Well, many japanese mangas make no sense if you are looking it with an "occidental" point of view.
  • Il faut donc commencer à être décomplexé de l'homme blanc. car bcp d'africains souffrent d'un complexe d'inferiorité face l'homme occidental.
  • The synonyms architectural and western are almost always used instead of architectonic and occidental. other examples being petroleum (excepting technical use and OPEC) and milliard.
  • Los que dirigen nuestra economa, pensaba Nikola, en el mundo occidental, nos permite disfrutar de un alto estndar de vida, de placer comparado criminal nuestros vecinos al sur de la lnea imaginaria que llamamos lmite.

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