
IPA: ɑksˈɪpʊt


  • (chiefly anatomy) The back part of the head or skull.

Examples of "occiput" in Sentences

  • ‘occiput’, and the part intervening between the sinciput and the occiput is the ‘crown’.
  • The best birth position for your baby is occiput anterior head down, with the back of the head against your belly.
  • In three years, I relearned how to walk, stand and sit and discovered the location of my scapulae , ischia and occiput.
  • Shaffer et al., “Manual rotation of the fetal occiput: Predictors of success and delivery,” Obstet Gynecol 194 2006: e7-9; C.
  • It hurt a little to look at her; he wanted to kiss the underside of her arm, her ear, her occiput, but he knew it mustn't happen.
  • It had entered just above and slightly forward of her right ear, but stopped short of midline; instead it went down and back toward the occiput.
  • However, some babies assume an occiput posterior position head down, with the back of the head against your back, which often results in a longer, more painful labor.
  • Le Ray et al., “Manual rotation in occiput posterior or transverse positions: risk factors and consequences on the cesarean delivery rate,” Obstet Gynecol 110(4) (2007): 873-79; O.
  • I take that to mean books that pithed me straight through the occiput when I read them and changed the way I saw the world and my place in it, books that imprinted themselves so indelibly on my heart and mind that I don't have to have them in my hand to re-read them, I just need to shut my eyes and watch them unscroll in my imagination.

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