IPA: ʌkɫˈudɪd
- closed or obstructed
- (meteorology) (of air) forced upwards by colder, denser air
Examples of "occluded" in Sentences
- 'occluded' state, in which the cargo is locked inside the protein.
- It ties into many of his teachings about our "occluded" state, I'd say.
- But soon after the well was capped, these voices got occluded by a national media that was quick to give BP an assist and declare that the oil had miraculously vanished.
- This is quite different from, say, an operation that is much more dangerous -- but easily justified by the obviously broken limb, plugged up gall bladder or occluded arteries.
- However, what has been occluded from the discussion is how the massive investments and capital flows into Bangalore have also contributed to the rise of a powerful and violent mafia.
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