IPA: ʌkˈʌɫt
- (usually with "the") Supernatural affairs.
- (transitive, astronomy) To cover or hide from view.
- (transitive, rare) To dissimulate, conceal, or obfuscate.
- (medicine) Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected.
- Related to the occult; pertaining to mysticism, magic, or astrology.
- Esoteric.
Examples of "occult" in Sentences
- Lowdown: The occult is a grace note in this cynical whodunit, juicy with periodic detail.
- Even nowadays, the following injunction may be found in occult schools: “know, dare, do, and be silent.”
- Many people think the word psychic is synonymous with the word occult and, therefore, connected with Satan.
- Although the theme of enlightenment vs. occult is ... okay, there I go, being too close to the material again.
- The arcanum "could have happened", basically, if we believe in occult systems which transcend the laws of nature.
- Astronomers refer to this phenomenon as an "occultation," taken from the Latin word occultÄre, which means "to conceal."
- Like the many hand gestures described herein, the Sign of Resignation generates a certain occult power of which we shall discuss later in an upcoming article when we apply and incorporate the sign in our mudra practices.
- WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_