IPA: ʌkˈɝ
- (intransitive) To happen or take place.
- (intransitive) To present or offer itself.
- (impersonal) To come or be presented to the mind; to suggest itself.
- (intransitive, sciences) To be present or found.
Examples of "occur" in Sentences
- Levantones occur is two vastly different ways, though.
- Global warming can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and human induced.
- Toxic algae appear to be increasing worldwide as coastal pollution increases. 4 Many fish poisoning are likely to occur from the result of ingesting fish toxic with Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB).
- Richard’s first charter to the City (23 April, 1194) (166) granted a few weeks after his return from abroad makes no mention of a mayor, nor does the title occur in any royal charter affecting the City until the year
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