IPA: oʊʃʌnˈɑgrʌfɝ
- a person who studies oceanography, the science of oceans
Examples of "oceanographer" in Sentences
- This is not just a random event, said James Overland, a NOAA oceanographer, at a teleconference on Thursday.
- The ducks' aquatic wanderings have been mapped to reveal all of this by Curtis Ebbesmeyer, a retired oceanographer who specialises in plotting the ocean's surface currents by tracking debris.
- - Young learners will find out what life is like deep below the ocean as this renowned oceanographer who co-led the Titanic exploration reveals the wonders of his fascinating undersea journeys.
- "There's the sense that it's not as bad as we had originally feared; it's not that worst case scenario," said Steve Lohrenz, a biological oceanographer at the University of Southern Mississippi.
- Among the participants: dinosaur hunter Paul Sereno, photographer Frans Lanting, environmental activist Majora Carter (a MacArthur Foundation winner), oceanographer Dave Gallo and futurist/hacker Pablos Holman.
- The reason last year's quake generated a tsunami while Friday's quake at roughly the same spot didn't even spark a warning was largely a function of strength, with the 8.8-magnitude quake being about 800 times larger in terms of energy released, said Nathan Becker, an oceanographer at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.