IPA: oʊʃʌnˈɑgrʌfi
- The exploration and scientific study of the oceans and ocean floor.
Examples of "oceanography" in Sentences
- She talks about her research, her background and women in oceanography:
- Young women starting out in oceanography don’t face any of the issues that I did.
- Curtis Ebbesmeyer holds a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of Washington.
- Ned and company do certainly get some education in oceanography and marine biology along the way.
- I contemplated majors in oceanography, chemistry and linguistics; I enjoyed math (except for geometry) in school.
- The carbon-14 method has also been applied in oceanography, for example, for the dating of relatively recent sea sediments.
- As I understand it, oceanography is the study of the oceans, hence an oceanographer is one who studies the oceans, which in this case are eating away at East Anglia.
- With the intervention of Pettersson's father, the wealthy Swede Knut Mark offered funds for a new chair in oceanography at the Göteborg Högskola, which Pettersson easily obtained.
- To give an idea of the special nature of some of the equipment, I will say that some of the scientific instruments used in oceanography were not on the market anywhere in the world, and were to be had only from the Prince of Monaco, the greatest of living oceanographers.