
IPA: oʊsˈɛɫʌs


  • A simple eye consisting of a single lens and a small number of sensory cells.
  • An eyelike marking in the form of a spot or ring of colour, as on the wing of a butterfly or the tail of a peacock.

Examples of "ocellus" in Sentences

  • All have compound eyes and may or may not have a single ocellus over each eye.
  • Aquila In nubibus Imperator literatorum, columen literarum, abyssus eruditionis, ocellus Europae, Scaliger.
  • The Ciona βγ-crystallin is only expressed in the palps and in the otolith, the pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus.
  • If a sufficiently large perturbation is introduced, the developmental buffering capacity is overcome and the genetic variation for ocellus number is revealed.
  • Black; the face above the clypeus, as high as the anterior ocellus, reddish-yellow; the extreme edge of the clypeus, the labrum and base of the mandibles ferruginous; the antennæ reddish-yellow.
  • There is genetic variation among individuals for genes that affect ocellus number, but the developmental effects of that variation are prevented by the system of buffering (Waddington 1953, 1957).
  • The head oblong, slightly narrowed posteriorly and emarginate behind, longitudinally striated, the striæ diverging from the centre at the anterior ocellus; at half the distance between the posterior ocelli and the margin of the vertex the striæ are transverse.
  • In dinoflagellates, four types of eye-spots are known: type A, an independent structure that is not membrane-bound; type B, an independent membrane-bound structure; type C, structure as part of a chloroplast; and type D, an elaborate eye-like structure called ocellus
  • Black; the head and thorax strongly punctured; the mandibles, clypeus, a line above extending to the anterior ocellus, the emargination of the eyes, a spot at their vertex and a line at their outer orbits, yellow; the antennæ reddish-yellow, with the scape pale yellow in front and a narrow fuscous line above; the yellow marking more or less stained orange.

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