
IPA: ˈɑkɫˈɑkrʌsi


  • Mob rule; government by the masses; mobocracy.

Examples of "ochlocracy" in Sentences

  • The latter is rightly called "ochlocracy" -- mob rule.
  • This is called grandstanding for the sake of ochlocracy.
  • Sadly, the country is terrorized and under control of ochlocracy.
  • Sadly, the country is terrorized and under control of ochlocracy. '
  • There can be ochlocracy in bicameral systems & democracy in unicameral ones. urgs Says:
  • If we lived in a mobocracy (also known as ochlocracy) we would vote and the majority would rule on every little issue.
  • Democratic process in pre-enlightenment society inevitably produces the worst kind of tyranny: tyranny of the fanatical mob what Plato named “ochlocracy”.
  • a democracy that departed from the civil and political equality which was its supposed basis, and gave ascendancy to a faction, was sometimes designated by the term ochlocracy, or the dominion of the rabble.
  • "ochlocracy," or government by the mob, in which the numbers have no real share: an oligarchy of the fiercest, the noisiest, the rashest, and the most shameless, which is surely swallowed up either by a despotism, as in
  • According to Polybius, the kyklos, or political cycle, rotates through three forms of government — democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy — and the degenerate forms of each of those three — ochlocracy, oligarchy, and tyranny:

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