IPA: ˈɑks
- united states newspaper publisher (1858-1935)
Examples of "ochs" in Sentences
- (As sung by Kim and Reggie Harris) (ochs lyrics not used by kim & reggie harris are below)
- During the Periods and Ep - ochs there is always plenty of time so that the Leaders of humanity can mar - shal their flocks into line.
- Five of the Most Evil Rulers of the Twentieth Century alyssa milano, birthday, birthdays, criss angel, dec 19, december 19, jake gyllenhaal, jennifer beals, leonid brezhnev, phil ochs
- At the same time his language was freely interspersed with Irish "ochs" and "shures"; while the "wees" and "bonnys", oft recurring in his speech, should have proved him a sworn Scotchman.
- - g-ochs-jr. html poncho: I love Time and the staff who works there - they know so much about bourbon/whiskey/scotch without being ... poncho: I feel as if I can rest easy knowing The Hoff is back!!!