IPA: ɑktˈæmʌtɝ
- A line of verse containing eight metrical feet
Examples of "octameter" in Sentences
- —“trochaic octameter with lines two and four catalectic.”
- I wrote tons of sonnets, and got really decent at iambic octameter/pentameter.
- Verses of seven and eight feet are rare; they are called heptameter and octameter, respectively.
- It actually disables any understanding of the poem to say that what he’s doing is trochaic octameter.
- The heptameter is usually divided into a tetrameter and a trimeter; the octameter, into two tetrameters.
- D.), while the latter kind can naturally only occur in those circles whose couplet forms an octameter (A. E.).
- I'm going full-out: trochaic octameter (I am too verbose for iambic pentameter) with internal and cross-line rhyme.
- The former is trochaicthe latter is octameter acatalectic, alternating with heptameter catalectic repeated in the refrain of the fifth verse, and terminating with tetrameter catalectic.