IPA: ɑktˈoʊsɪɫˈæbɪk
- Containing eight syllables
Examples of "octosyllabic" in Sentences
- Cromwell, wrote much poetry of various sorts, some of it in the Elizabethan octosyllabic couplet.
- It is Marvell, seventeenth-century master of the octosyllabic, whom this last line calls to mind [8]
- The usual forms of the couplet used continuously are the 4-stress or short couplet ( "octosyllabic") and the
- Elizabethan octosyllabic couplet, of the pleasures of suburban life viewed in moods respectively of light-hearted happiness and of reflection.
- My very dear Friend, ” I hear with wonder from Arabel of your repudiation of my word 'octosyllabic' for the two lines in your controversial poem.
- My very dear Friend, -- I hear with wonder from Arabel of your repudiation of my word 'octosyllabic' for the two lines in your controversial poem.
- 'Hudibras,' which appeared in three parts during a period of fifteen years, is written, like previous English satires, in rough-and-ready doggerel verse, in this case verse of octosyllabic couplets and in the form of a mock-epic.
- The six-and-twenty octosyllabic lines thus magisterially denounced by our stern moralist in the middle of the nineteenth century, have had a place in Pope's works for a hundred years, and it is too late now to seek to delete them.
- Instead they exhibit the typical pseudo-classical traits of matter-of-factness and clearness; also, as Swift's personal notes, cleverness, directness, trenchant intellectual power, irony, and entire ease, to which latter the prevailing octosyllabic couplet meter contributes.
- In the past Hollander has been explicit and defiant about this, as in his witty and accomplished imitation of Juvenal's third satire, where New York is substituted for Juvenal's Rome; or in the controlled octosyllabic garrulity of 'Upon Apthorp House' (from Movie-Going, 1962), where he thankfully greets the Hudson recovered after years in the New England wilderness:
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