IPA: ˈɔkjuɫɪst
- An ophthalmologist
- An optometrist
Examples of "oculist" in Sentences
- Jonathan David Jagger, surgeon oculist to the Queen.
- And, true to his word, he dispatched Kit to the oculist.
- Then a Jewess, a skilled oculist, appeared on the scene.
- In addition to the oculist of R. Yehudah ben Asher we also know about Marat Yuskah of early thirteenth century Mainz or Worms.
- Many of the words were strange – commodious, oculist; the phrases unusual – jolly friends; the foods strange - jellied consommé.
- Her self-centered mother, Youle, the daughter of an Amsterdam Jewish oculist, was a seamstress and a courtesan of middling success.
- Julie was the daughter of Maurice Bernard (also noted in documents as Bernardt), an oculist, and of Jeannette née Hart (noted also as Hard, or van Hard).
- The greatest concession I can make is that sometimes it may run one way and sometimes the other, and that in the meantime we should both consult an oculist.
- With these words, found in the collection of ethical wills edited by Israel Abrahams, R. Yehudah ben Asher introduces us to the woman oculist in thirteenth century Cologne who preserved his sight.
- Dick felt slightly comforted when he learned that the oculist was a clever man who had been well known in Barcelona until he was forced to leave the city after taking part in some revolutionary plot.