
IPA: ˈɑdɪʃ


  • Somewhat odd.

Examples of "oddish" in Sentences

  • "There are a lot of oddish things in the library here."
  • Bless your honour's soul, he is a very oddish kind of a gentleman.
  • ‘Yes, rather oddish,’ said the Lakeman, holding it at arm’s length before him; ‘but I think it will answer.
  • He struck most of the friends he had made on Earth as an eccentric, but a harmless one - an unruly boozer with some oddish habits.
  • He struck most of the friends he had made on Earth as an eccentric, but a harmless one -- an unruly boozer with some oddish habits.
  • And an oddish review of a new Johnny Cash biography, which contains this gem: It involves a Texas hobo who wore a ragged blue bandanna around his neck, like the ghost of Jimmie Rodgers.
  • In a sense, Domino's kisses were rather like Suzy's, which is to say, they were both eager and shy, adventurous and uncertain, yet there was a strength in them (or immediately behind them), a solidity that made him feel that this simple, oddish act of osculation, was somehow supported by and connected to each and every one of what Bobby Case's ol" Chinese boys called "The Ten Thousand Things.

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