IPA: ˈɑdɫi
- In a peculiar manner; strangely; unusually.
- In a manner measured by an odd number.
Examples of "oddly" in Sentences
- Mr. Masson is altogether too resolute to find traces of what he calls oddly enough
- (Which, oddly, is often assumed to include material by Canadian and UK authors too.)
- The standout performance, oddly, is the very very brief appearance of John Gielgud as Time.
- ([American SF], oddly, is often assumed to include material by Canadian and UK authors too.)
- Reading, oddly, is not that different, as I have to work hard to turn off my critical eye these days.
- He stared down at her, his expression oddly impassive, while she could feel his anger pounding against her like a club.
- Even as they are the greatest beneficiaries of this nasty system, they remain oddly quiet about solutions, either pro - or anti-immigrant.
- And finally, even gamers ignoring the story and just busying themselves with playing the different games will end up confused too, as the title oddly alternates back and forth between different currencies and prizes for winning at each challenge.
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