IPA: ˈoʊdiʌs
- Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure.
Examples of "odious" in Sentences
- Falwell, on the other hand, fought for repugnant causes in odious ways.
- Call it grievous, call it odious, that we may by all means possible put ourselves and others out of love with it.
- I guess the reason why I don't think Hannity's behavior was particularly "odious" is because I see it all the time.
- "I use the word odious because the debt was largely incurred by the last government which did not represent us," Meer said.
- The King was accused of sympathy with the Protestant cause, which made his name odious to the Catholic University of Paris.
- They could talk, and malign me, and tell lies as to dates, and strive to make my name odious in the county; but they knew that the will was good.
- Others were tories, and adherents to the old kingly rule; some of whom took refuge within the British lines, joined the royal bands of refugees, a name odious to the American ear, and occasionally returned to harass their ancient neighbors.
- The discourse abounds with just observation, applicable to all ranks of men; and, if properly attended to by that infatuated emperor, might have prevented the perpetration of those acts of cruelty, which, with his other extravagancies, have rendered his name odious to posterity.
- Past membership in odious organizations may not be relevant in Judge Alito's case, but it cuts both ways, so the next time the Republicans remind the Democrats once again that Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) used to belong to the Ku Klux Klan (which he acknowledges and has apologized and made amends for time and time again), we can then point to Judge Alito's membership in CAP.
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