
IPA: oʊdˈɑntˈæɫdʒʌ


  • (medicine) toothache

Examples of "odontalgia" in Sentences

  • Hence odontalgia is found to belong to the order of decreased irritation.
  • Some other diseases are erroneously called rheumatic, as hemicrania, and odontalgia.
  • His medication has been increased to the maximum dose, but he is still in pain, and he now has a diagnosis of odontalgia.
  • Atypical odontalgia is pain in seemingly normal teeth and is diagnosed only after invasive treatments, such as further tooth extraction, have failed to alleviate pain.
  • There is no one effective treatment option for atypical odontalgia sufferers, but studies have shown that neuropathic pain medications appear to be effective for most patients.
  • He comments that a patient might talk of a "shiner" whereas a doctor (holy of holies) would speak of a "periorbital ecchymosis," which is true only if you could imagine a doctor referring to cephalalgia instead of a headache or odontalgia instead of a toothache.
  • If this experiment is again tried in odontalgia, or hemicrania, the painful membrane of the tooth or head should be included between the south and north poles of a horse-shoe magnet, or between the contrary poles of two different magnets, that the magnetism may be accumulated on the torpid part.

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