IPA: ˈoʊdɝʌs
- Having a distinctive odor.
Examples of "odorous" in Sentences
- The floor of the cage was slippery with a kind of odorous slime.
- They're called odorous because they have a coconut - or rum-like smell when crushed.
- County Legislator Wally Huckno, D-Jamestown, called Mueller's proposal '' odorous '' and
- They are dubbed 'odorous' and 'coconut' due to the coconut - or rum-like smell they release when crushed.
- Although the project could be described as odorous, Gothenburg will probably take money to help pay for it.
- Comparisons are "odorous," we know, as the learned Dogberry hath said; but the writer means nothing unkind by these remarks.
- Recovering himself, and seeing an "odorous" name in the future, he attempted apology and reparation for the insult, and complete reconciliation.
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