
IPA: ˈoʊdɝɫʌs


  • Having no odour.

Examples of "odourless" in Sentences

  • I hear they are 'odourless' but I'd like to get your opinion on that.
  • Methane is a colourless, odourless and highly flammable substance which forms a major component in natural gas.
  • So too do the expensive, scented lotions and potions of the dressing-room showers, to be replaced by odourless, Albanian prison-grey carbolic soap.
  • "The thing about carbon monoxide poisoning is that the carbon monoxide itself is odourless, colourless, tasteless, so it's a silent killer," he said.
  • "The thing about carbon monoxide poisoning is that the carbon monoxide itself is odourless, colourless and tasteless so it's a silent killer," he said.
  • And men have long been seduced into swooning - and sweating - over airbrushed, blemish-free, odourless rent-a-Barbies in the fleshy mags, tacky tabloids and flashion ads.
  • Take her last movie, for instance, the Cruiser-snoozer Knight And Day from odourless, flavourless hack James Mangold I'd need two columns to convey the full strength of my loathing for that man's oeuvre.
  • Of course, by the time your HD Jabscreen 4 footage is old enough to qualify as nostalgia, you'll be viewing it on a Jabscreen 20, so rather than enjoying the memories, you'll be whining that it's 2D and odourless and doesn't let you walk inside the image and rearrange the furniture.

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